Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014: The Year of the Film Jockey

Oh how time flies. Literally. It's sickening sometimes.
I vividly remember three years ago (again with that whole "Hi time. Bye time." scenario) when I began this blog. A family member put the idea in my head and I thought it would be a great way to discipline myself as a writer and to turn my focus more intently on the industry. Man, was that a bust. I must say, over the last couple of years I've had a few decent posts, but the consistency was always the hardest part. I was a junior in college when I started, and naturally school always gets in the way (let's be real here, school = partying most of the time). However, as a young professional now working in the film industry, I find it, not only necessary but, essential to remain relevant via social media in more ways than just Tweeting and Facebook-ing.

So, now that I've finished boring you all with my personal life, I wanted to take this brief moment to explain that I'll be somewhat redefining my goals as "The Film Jockey," as pretentious as that sounds. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know all that much about "what makes a great film." Honestly I think a lot of the critics out there are mostly full of themselves and just like to use big words that will, in turn, make the people reading their reviews think they know what they're talking about. But I digress. What I've done in the past is write about movie news and write reviews. Now, in what I'm calling "2014, the year of progress," I have decided to make this an opinion based blog.  In other words, I don't strive to be the first to break the news to you (whoever "you" are). I just strive to give you my two cents as a creative and entertaining expression. Just go check out my post from August 7th, 2012 about The Mortal Instruments. That's a slightly LESS tame version of what I'm striving for from here on out. But I do plan on getting passionate! So if you're not into passion, get the hell outta my blog-o-sphere! No, not really. Please stay.
Anyway, my goal is to become a more focused and dedicated writer, (much accredited to the "My 500 Words" challenge thanks to Jeff Goins at along with some other life goals, but you can read more about that over at my other less film-centric blog Toolbox Central...but probably not until tomorrow, because it's getting late and I have a pilot to work on!
Happy new year everyone!

2014: Progress


  1. Hi IFJ. Great concept, great blog name. I’m doing the 500 word challenge too and not only have NEVER blogged I’ve NEVER written anything like this so it’s all new. Best of luck to us both!

  2. Thank you! Did you find my blog through the My 500 website? I love this challenge so far. It's been a great motivator. Thanks for checking me out and for the kind words!
